Empowering impact through our partnerships

We support nonprofit partners domestically and around the world

We are firm believers in the principle of “doing well by doing good.” We offer our investors an opportunity to contribute to the meaningful work our partners are doing in the world. And we do this by principled giving out of our profits. By investing with us, you are helping expand our impact.

Heroes International

Heroes International is a collaborative charity bringing life-changing relief to orphans, widows, and the disadvantaged.

They believe in the dignity of offering hands-up, not handouts, for those of able bodies and minds. Jobs for those able to work, and charity for all others. Capitalism with a conscience, and a revival of morals, are indeed the only forces that have ever vanquished poverty and brought about systemic redemption.

In addition to their solo projects, their shared pursuit of making the world a better place leads us to take great pride in finding front-line heroes in the world’s most desperate, partnering with them, and helping empower them through various means, financial and otherwise, in their life-saving work.


World Missions Outreach

World Missions Outreach heart’s desire is to reach the people of Nicaragua by meeting their spiritual, educational & physical needs. We equip people with the right tools to combat the root of poverty, not just the symptoms, through education, nutrition & discipleship.

World Missions Outreach has partnered with 70 churches across Nicaragua. Each church provides an opportunity for children to receive a hot nutritious meal every day. WMO served 15,000 meals every day & 5.4 Million Meals a year.

Food represents life. Meals are what bring people together, where memories are made & stories are told. These daily programs create an open door to meet the physical needs of children, while also providing education, mentorship & discipleship opportunities.


Treehouse MidAtlantic

Our vision is to see the end of hopelessness among teens in the Mid-Atlantic region. There is only one way we can do this; together!


Love Life

Love Life America is the call to mobilize a Christian witness to every abortion center across America. God is highlighting the 700 abortion clinics in our nation as being legitimate mission fields that are worthy of our attention, time, and resources. However, out of the 700 abortion centers in America, only 200 of these clinics have a consistent, Christian witness.

We believe these abortion mission fields deserve the attention of full-time missionaries as well as a network of local churches. Our strategy is to equip and resource Love Life Sidewalk Missionaries to bring the hope of Jesus and the help of His Church to these places of death. Alongside sending missionaries, we also train and equip local churches to be a House of Refuge for people to run to for long term care and discipleship.


The Gateway Project at Eagles’ Wings Ministries

The Gateway Project is a partnership of individuals, teams, churches, and organizations that work together to see the least reached people on the earth reached with the Gospel. Through Gateway Academy, a 5 month missions training program, based in South East Asia the Gateway Project is training teams of leaders to go to the least reached most strategic cities across Asia and the Middle East. The Passarellas serve as Hub directors based in Thailand training leaders for world missions. This initiative will train hundreds of American and Asian Leaders to reach the least reached from the Great wall in the Far East back along the silk road to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.


F.I.R.E International - Beauty for Ashes

Beauty for Ashes Philippines is a ministry dedicated to training, equipping and restoring those currently working in the sex industry or survivors rescued from sex trafficking in a wide variety of entrepreneurial skills as well as create a safe place to recover and be restored mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Our team is comprised of both local Filipinos and international staff and volunteers from various churches and organizations.


Antioch Ministries International

We exist to be a catalyst for a sweeping move of the Spirit of God that ignites revival in the church and to see church planting movements in every sphere of society. It is our desire that the nation of Thailand and peoples of Southeast Asia (11 countries) be brought to Christ through church planting movements, and that God would be revealed to them through the power of the Holy Spirit in signs and wonders.

We are committed to prayer for revival in our own lives and in the lives of Thai believers, evangelism, discipling new believers, training and sending out national leaders.

The following are spokes of the HUB we are planting in Chiang Mai, Thailand.


Kingdom Alive

There is a consensus among the First Nations Prayer Group that God has a special calling upon the First Nations people at this juncture in time. It is our common belief that the First Nations are a sleeping giant who are awakening and are key to revival; that God has reserved them for these last days and will arise to become a blessing to this continent (Turtle Island) and powerful evangelists around the world. That the Chinese Christians have a unique burden for First Nations people as a type of midwives to bring to birth this move of God among First Nations; they are family with us and partners in aiding First Nations Christians to accomplish God’s purposes. This unique relationship has developed into a close-knit family group that is joined together in love, trust, and perseverance.

Family Policy Alliance of NJ

At Family Policy Alliance, our vision is a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.


Toms River Field of Dreams

To provide communities in Monmouth and Ocean Counties an all-inclusive complex which has a playground and other multiple physical and cognitive environments which create and recognize everyone’s right to fully participate in equitable play. This inclusive complex intentionally addresses the physical and social inclusion of people of all ages and abilities.

Toms River and its surrounding communities will also benefit from being the only area in New Jersey with a complex specifically developed for special needs individuals. It will serve as a sustainable landmark and a significant accomplishment for the town. As an open, public space, the TRFOD will be an inclusive environment for the entire community to enjoy all year round.


The Blessing Projects

We empower small communities and forgotten people in remote regions of the world to help them thrive and grow once again. Your support will help build schools, small medical clinics, provide education and introduce renewable resources geared towards development.


Promise Keepers

The new Promise Keepers is committed to connecting men across all denominational, generational, racial, and cultural lines. Our yearly conferences and local PK gatherings – combined with new virtual events and the PK App – give men across the world access to an unprecedented hub of Christian resources. This library of resources includes Bible studies, sermons, and practical courses developed by our incredible partner organizations and ministries, as well as the best Promise Keepers content from the last 30 years. Topics include fatherhood, marriage, faith, and mental health, with additional topics and resources added on a regular basis.

What’s more, our quarterly virtual events and everything in the PK App are free to both individuals and churches. Men’s groups host local gatherings throughout the year using resources geared specifically towards men and the issues they care about. We also help connect churches with larger organizations like Prison Fellowship for even greater opportunities for outreach and ministry.


Tim Tebow Foundation

The Christian faith is about loving Jesus and loving people, and that is what we are trying to do with this foundation and all of our outreaches. Whether it is spending a weekend encouraging a child with a life-threatening illness, helping a family adopt an international child with special needs, crowning kings and queens of the prom, or by showing God’s love through our four other outreaches, our goal is to let people know that God loves them and that they are worthy.


Together For Israel

Together for Israel is a non-profit ministry that exists to fulfill the biblical mandate to support those laboring in the land of Israel. We support the believers in Israel by unashamedly raising funds that specifically go to those who are laboring in the Land for the Gospel.


Bayside Chapel

Mission: At Bayside Chapel, our mission is to bring glory to God by leading people into fruitful relationships with Jesus Christ.

Vision: Our vision is to be so transformed by Christ that He will send us to transform communities for Christ.

Core Values: We value the Word of God because it is vital to a transformed life. We value prayer as an expression of our utter dependence upon God. We value relationships that lead us to maturity in Christ. We value putting people on mission to reach others for Christ.


Grace Church

Mission: Giving God glory and bringing people into relationship with Christ

Vision: For all people in Hickory and the surrounding area to experience the grace of God through Jesus Christ

1. Loyalty in outreach to our community,
2. Authenticity in worship, The Word of God, and prayer
3. Stewardship of our time, talents and treasures
4. Unity in connecting the body of Christ


Christian Renewal Church

Christian Renewal Church is a Spirit-filled Church where we are committed to a lifestyle of sacrificial love that brings genuine heart transformation to the generations in our midst. We are passionate about reaching the Lowcountry with the gospel of Jesus, and we celebrate His love for us. We are an authentic, hungry church that goes after the hurting, broken and lost to meet Jesus. At CRC we’re after a lifestyle of prayer and surrender that serves one purpose: to bring God’s glory.


Catalyst Church

Mission: To lead every person to know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference.
Vision: Catalyst Church exists to build the lives of people by following the ways of Jesus, leading to the renewal of our world.

1. Jesus is Our Foundation - Jesus is the foundation of our life and everything we do.
2. We Are Better Together - We are not meant to go through life alone. We are better together.
3. Growth is Our Responsibility - We change the world by allowing God to change our world. Spiritual growth is a byproduct of our relationship with God.
4. Service is Our Posture - We exist to serve our community. Jesus came to serve, not to be served, and we are called to follow His example.
5. Monday is Our Mission - We are called to follow Jesus and fulfill His mission every day of our week in every sphere of our life.


The Ashley Lauren Foundation

The goal of The Ashley Lauren Foundation is to ease the journey when pediatric cancer is diagnosed by providing direct financial, material, and emotional assistance, along with our many programs developed to bring smiles to the children.


The Kylie Rowand Foundation

The Kylie Rowand Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of and providing support for children and their families directly affected by childhood cancer. As a team, we strive to make the lives of the patients and family members a little less stressful by helping support their needs and struggles. The Kylie Rowand Foundation was inspired by a two-year-old little girl named Kylie. She fought stage 4 neuroblastoma courageously for 13 months when in February of 2015, Kylie flew home to be with the Lord. During Kylie’s battle, she infectiously gained support, prayer, and love from hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. It is now up to us to come together once again to help finish Kylie’s fight.


Aerial Recovery

Aerial Recovery’s Mission is to SAVE LIVES & STOP EVIL

To date, Aerial Recovery has rescued over 7,500 lives across 20 countries.

Aerial Recovery trains and deploys Humanitarian Special Operators to effectively respond to natural disasters and man-made disasters and combat sex trafficking. Made up of Veterans and First Responders from their Heal the Heroes Initiative, Aerial tackles some of the most difficult rescue and response missions across the globe.


Grassroots Crisis Intervention

Grassroots provides 24/7 access to individuals and families for behavioral health, crisis, and homeless services.


Hope Inspire Love

Hope Inspire Love is an anti-human trafficking nonprofit that exists to eradicate human trafficking and sexual exploitation in our communities. We provide awareness opportunities, prevention initiatives, education curriculum for high school students and youth groups, advocacy, job skills training, and our flagship Hope Mentorship Program for at-risk teens, young adults, and survivors of sex trafficking. Together, we are empowering survivors of sex trafficking to flourish and thrive!


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